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[Star Wars Galaxies RPG] - Planetary Information: Shadda-Bi-Boran

File:Screenshot 2024-07-01 205036.png
Grid Location: O-18
Terrain: Plains, swamps
Diameter: 9,100 km
Length of Day: 16 standard hours
Length of Year: 271 local days
Population: 47 million
Sentient Species: Shadda-Bi-Borans
Species Mix: Shadda-Bi-Borans (93%), other (7%)
Languages: Shadda-Bi, Basic
Government: Theocracy
Major Exports: Textiles
Major Imports: None
System/Star: Shadda-Bi-Boran/Shadda

Planets in the Shadda-Bi-Boran System

Planet Type Moons
Figili Desert 1
Shadda-Bi-Boran Terrestrial 3
Tears of Zylun Asteroid belt 0
Chunno-ka-Alec Barren rock 0
Shadda-Ul-Hara Gas giant 8
Shadda-Ul-Morr Gas giant 5
Oosti Ice ball 1


All the credits and good intentions in the galaxy can't stop the universe from being a terribly cruel place at times. Eons ago, the star Shadda in the Bi-Boran Cluster expanded into a red giant and shed its outer layers, forming the luminous traceries of its known as the Shadda Nebula. Shadda then began to cool into a white dwarf. A long, drawn-out implosion repeated innumerable times throughout the galaxy. But this time, there were tragic consequences: The planet Shadda-Bi-Boran was inhabited by a primitive, peace-loving sentient species gently ruled by a caste of sun priests—now facing a death sentence.

As the life-giving radiation from Shadda flared and dwindled, Shadda-Bi-Boran was racked by cataclysmic changes in weather and devastating earthquakes. In the final years of the Republic, astrophysicists offered a grim forecast: Shadda would soon give out too little radiation to prevent its inhabited world from freezing solid and tearing itself apart as it expanded into space. And unfortunately, the Shadda-Bi-Borans couldn't be evacuated from their world—to cleanse toxins from their bloodstream, they required an enzyme only activated by Shadda's sunlight.

Kreejis and ambassadors made hand-crafted Shadda silk became much sought after in wealthy galactic circles, the price of the goods divided between research into activating the crucial enzyme artificially and finding another star with the right solar characteristics. As Shadda-Bi-Boran entered its death throes in 38 BBY, volunteers for the Refugee Relief Movement—among them, a young Naboo named Padmé Naberrie—rushed its people offworld to a scattering of stars that, it was hoped, might at least approximate Shadda's characteristics.

Such hopes were in vain. As the last refugee ship escaped the marching ice, word came that none of the offworld Shadda-Bi-Borans had survived. The last hundred members of the species refused a desperate plea to be put in stasis or even encased in carbonite while further research was conducted. Within months of their planet's demise, the last Shadda-Bi-Borans were dead.


All the credits and good intentions in the galaxy can't stop the universe from being a terribly cruel place at times. Eons ago, the star Shadda in the Bi-Boran Cluster expanded into a red giant and shed its outer layers, forming the luminous traceries of its known as the Shadda Nebula.



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Orbiting bodies

  • Figili
  • Shadda-Bi-Boran
  • Tears of Zylun
  • Chunno-ka-Alec
  • Shadda-Ul-Hara
  • Shadda-Ul-Morr
  • Oosti


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