Basics of Things You Can Alter in Unreal Engine

From Star Wars Galaxies RPG Wiki


The cheat sheets for Unreal Engine were created by Winslow. You can find more of his contributions and resources on his profile page on the Epic Games Developer Community.

UE4 Blueprint Cheat Sheet

Blueprint Types

Type Description
Actor An Actor is an object that can be placed or spawned in the world.
Pawn A Pawn is an Actor that can be controlled and receive input from a Controller.
Character A Character is a Pawn that includes the ability to walk, run, jump, and more.
Player Controller A Player Controller is an Actor responsible for controlling a Pawn used by the player.
Game Mode Base A Game Mode defines the game being played, its rules, scoring, and other facets of the game type.
Actor Component An ActorComponent is a reusable component that can be added to any actor.
Scene Component Component that has a scene transform (location, rotation, scale) and can be attached to other scene components.

Common Blueprint Events

Event Description
Event ActorBeginOverlap Called when a collision/overlap between two actors with Generate Overlap Events enabled is detected.
Event ActorEndOverlap Called when the actors previously overlapped stop overlapping.
Event BeginPlay Called for all Actors when the game/level is started. Any Actors spawned after game start have this called immediately.
Event EndPlay Called for all Actors when the game/level is ended. Any Actors spawned after game end.
Event Tick Called on every frame of gameplay. Can be computationally expensive.
Event Destroyed Called when the Actor is destroyed. Note: Deprecated, use Event EndPlay.
Event Hit Called when collision settings are set up for one or more Actors involved.
Event AnyDamage Called when general damage is to be dealt. For informational purposes.
Event PointDamage Meant to represent damage dealt by projectiles, hit scan or melee weaponry.
Event RadialDamage Called when parent Actor receives Radial Damage (Ex: Explosion damage or indirect damage).
Event ActorBeginCursorOver Called when using the mouse interface and cursor is moved over an Actor.
Event ActorEndCursorOver Called when using the mouse interface and cursor is moved off an Actor.

Data Pin Types

Type Description
Bool Boolean values of True or False.
Integer Integer number (whole numbers) ex: 5, 7, 10.
Float Floating arithmetic number ex: 3.14.
String String of text and characters ex: "My String".
Transform Location, rotation and scale transformation.
Vector Vector of (X, Y, Z).
Linear Color RGBA value of a color.
Rotator Roll (X), Pitch (Y), Yaw (Z).

Node Creation Hotkeys

Node Keys
Branch Node B + LMB
Comment Box Node C + LMB
Delay Node D + LMB
Sequence Node S + LMB
Gate Node G + LMB
For Each Loop Node F + LMB
Multi-gate Node R + LMB
Do Once Node O + LMB
BeginPlay Event P + LMB
Move Node Connection Ctrl + RMB/Drag
Delete Node Connection Alt + RMB Click
Compile Blueprints Ctrl + S
Duplicate Selected Node Ctrl + W

UE5 Editor HotKey Cheat Sheet

Viewport Navigation

Viewport Navigation Keys
Movement - Standard LMB/RMB + Drag
Movement - GameStyle RMB + WASD
Movement - Maya Alt + LMB/RMB
Zoom Mouse Wheel

Viewport Transformation

Viewport Transformation Keys
Translate W
Rotate E
Scale R
Toggle Transform Mode Spacebar
Clone Active Object Alt + (Translate or Rotate)
Vertex Snapping V


Modes Keys
Select / Placement Shift + 1
Landscape Shift + 2
Foliage Shift + 3
Mesh Paint Shift + 4
Modeling Shift + 5
Fracture Shift + 6
Brush Editing Shift + 7
Animation Shift + 8

Viewport Shortcuts

Viewport Shortcuts Keys
Focus on Selection F
Wireframe View Alt + 2
Unlit View Alt + 3
Lit View Alt + 4
Grid Size Decrease [
Grid Size Increase ]
Rotation Size Decrease Shift + [
Rotation Size Increase Shift + ]
Mouse Cursor in Play Mode Shift + F1

Level Editor

Level Editor Keys
Hide Selected Object H
Unhide All Hidden Objects Ctrl + H
Editor FullScreen Shift + F11
Immersive Mode F11
Game View G
Find in Blueprint Ctrl + K
Snap to Floor End
Snap Pivot to Floor Alt + End
Snap Origin to Grid Ctrl + End
Snap Bounds to Floor Shift + End
Command Console ~
Clear Selection ESC

Camera Shortcuts

Camera Shortcuts Keys
Perspective View Alt + G
Front View Alt + H
Side View Alt + K
Top View Alt + J
Set Camera Bookmark Ctrl + 0-9
Jump to Camera Bookmark 0-9


Miscellaneous Keys
Live Code Recompile Ctrl + Alt + F11
Detach from Viewport Play F8

Modeling Mode

Modeling Mode Keys
Accept / Complete Enter
Cancel active tool Esc
Toggle Gizmo A

Modeling - Cube Grid Tool

Modeling - Cube Grid Tool Keys
Flip Selection T
Decrease Power of Two Ctrl + Q
Increase Power of Two Ctrl + E
Toggle Gizmo A

Modeling - Mesh Cut Tool

Modeling - Mesh Cut Tool Keys
Plane Cut T
Flip Cutting Plane R

Modeling - Shared Shortcuts

Modeling - Shared Shortcuts Keys
Decrease Brush Falloff Ctrl + Shift + [
Increase Brush Falloff Ctrl + Shift + ]
Decrease Brush Size [
Increase Brush Size ]
Decrease Brush Strength Ctrl + [
Increase Brush Strength Ctrl + ]
Decrease Line Width Shift + [
Increase Line Width Shift + ]

UE5 C++ Cheat Sheet


UPROPERTY Description
BlueprintAssignable Multicast Delegates only. Exposes property for assigning in Blueprints
BlueprintCallable Multicast Delegates only. Property exposed for calling in Blueprints
BlueprintReadOnly Readable in Blueprints, but not writeable
BlueprintReadWrite Read or written from Blueprints
Category Category of the property. Nested categories with .
EditAnywhere Can be edited in property windows, on archetypes & instances
EditDefaultsOnly Editable in property windows, but only on archetypes
EditFixedSize Prevent changing the length of an array (useful for dynamic arrays)
EditInstanceOnly Edited by property windows, but only on instances, not on archetypes
Transient Should not be saved, zero-filled at load time
VisibleAnywhere Visible in property windows, but can't be edited at all
VisibleDefaultsOnly Visible in property windows for archetypes, & can't be edited
VisibleInstanceOnly Visible in property windows for instances, not archetypes, & can't be edited


UFUNCTION Description
BlueprintAuthorityOnly Will not execute from Blueprint code if running on something without network authority
BlueprintCallable Can be executed in a Blueprint or Level Blueprint graph
BlueprintCosmetic Is cosmetic and will not run on dedicated servers
BlueprintImplementableEvent Can be overridden in a Blueprint or Level Blueprint graph
BlueprintNativeEvent Designed to be overridden by a Blueprint, but also has a native implementation
BlueprintPure Does not affect the owning object in any way and can be executed in a Blueprint or Level Blueprint graph
Client Only executed on the client that owns the Object the function belongs to
Exec Can be executed from the in-game console
NetMulticast Executed locally on the server and replicated to all clients, regardless of the Actor’s NetOwner
Reliable Replicated over the network, and is guaranteed to arrive regardless of bandwidth or network errors
Server Only executed on the server
Unreliable Replicated over the network but can fail due to bandwidth limitations or network errors

Common Base Classes

Base Class Description
Actor An Actor is an object that can be placed or spawned in the world.
Actor Component An ActorComponent is a reusable component that can be added to any actor.
Character A Character is a Pawn that includes the ability to walk, run, jump, and more.
Game Mode A Game Mode defines the game being played, its rules, scoring, and other facets of the game type. Eg: Capture The Flag, Deathmatch, etc.
Game State The Game State manages the information that is used for all connected clients and is specific to the Game Mode. Eg: Time remaining, current score, etc.
Pawn A Pawn is an Actor that can be controlled and receive input from a Controller.
Player Controller A Player Controller is an Actor responsible for controlling a Pawn used by the player.
Scene Component Component that has a scene transform (location, rotation, scale) and can be attached to other scene components.

Type Names

Typename Prefix Example
Actor A AActor AfpsCharacter;
Boolean b bool bIsRealloicious;
Enums E enum EPlayerType
Float f float fHealth;
Name F FName TeamName;
FString F FString TeamFriendlyName;
int32 i int32 TeamCount;
Interfaces I INetworkConnection;
Struct F FStruct FPlayerStats;
TArray T TArray<MyTypes> FArrayOfMyTypes;
UClass U UClass* TealClass;
UObject U UCameraComponent* ThirdPersonCam;
USoundCue US USoundCue* TeamSound;
UTexture UT UTexture* TeaTexture;

UE5 Chaos Car Physics Issues and Solutions

Common Issues

Issue Description
Vehicle resetting to player start Vehicles will reset to the player start once passing a certain threshold in large partitioned worlds.
Steering Problems Vehicles may have trouble steering correctly, causing understeer or oversteer.
Suspension Settings Inconsistent suspension performance, leading to unrealistic handling.
Wheel Spinning Wheels may spin uncontrollably, leading to a lack of traction.


Issue Solution
Vehicle Bouncing Adjust the Chaos Physics sub-stepping settings. Increasing the number of sub-steps can help stabilize vehicle behavior on rough terrain.
Steering Problems Tweak the steering curve in the vehicle's blueprint to provide a smoother response, and adjust the center of mass to a lower position to improve stability.
Suspension Settings Experiment with different spring stiffness and damping values for the suspension to achieve a realistic and stable ride.
Wheel Spinning Reduce engine torque and adjust the wheel friction curve to ensure better traction control.