Basics of Things You Can Alter in Unreal Engine

From Star Wars Galaxies RPG Wiki
Revision as of 01:05, 18 July 2024 by Jondev (talk | contribs)

UE4 Blueprint Cheat Sheet

Blueprint Types

Type Description
Actor An Actor is an object that can be placed or spawned in the world.
Pawn A Pawn is an Actor that can be controlled and receive input from a Controller.
Character A Character is a Pawn that includes the ability to walk, run, jump, and more.
Player Controller A Player Controller is an Actor responsible for controlling a Pawn used by the player.
Game Mode Base A Game Mode defines the game being played, its rules, scoring, and other facets of the game type.
Actor Component An ActorComponent is a reusable component that can be added to any actor.
Scene Component Component that has a scene transform (location, rotation, scale) and can be attached to other scene components.

Common Blueprint Events

Event Description
Event ActorBeginOverlap Called when a collision/overlap between two actors with Generate Overlap Events enabled is detected.
Event ActorEndOverlap Called when the actors previously overlapped stop overlapping.
Event BeginPlay Called for all Actors when the game/level is started. Any Actors spawned after game start have this called immediately.
Event EndPlay Called for all Actors when the game/level is ended. Any Actors spawned after game end.
Event Tick Called on every frame of gameplay. Can be computationally expensive.
Event Destroyed Called when the Actor is destroyed. Note: Deprecated, use Event EndPlay.
Event Hit Called when collision settings are set up for one or more Actors involved.
Event AnyDamage Called when general damage is to be dealt. For informational purposes.
Event PointDamage Meant to represent damage dealt by projectiles, hit scan or melee weaponry.
Event RadialDamage Called when parent Actor receives Radial Damage (Ex: Explosion damage or indirect damage).
Event ActorBeginCursorOver Called when using the mouse interface and cursor is moved over an Actor.
Event ActorEndCursorOver Called when using the mouse interface and cursor is moved off an Actor.

Data Pin Types

Type Description
Bool Boolean values of True or False.
Integer Integer number (whole numbers) ex: 5, 7, 10.
Float Floating arithmetic number ex: 3.14.
String String of text and characters ex: "My String".
Transform Location, rotation and scale transformation.
Vector Vector of (X, Y, Z).
Linear Color RGBA value of a color.
Rotator Roll (X), Pitch (Y), Yaw (Z).

Node Creation Hotkeys

Node Keys
Branch Node B + LMB
Comment Box Node C + LMB
Delay Node D + LMB
Sequence Node S + LMB
Gate Node G + LMB
For Each Loop Node F + LMB
Multi-gate Node R + LMB
Do Once Node O + LMB
BeginPlay Event P + LMB
Move Node Connection Ctrl + RMB/Drag
Delete Node Connection Alt + RMB Click
Compile Blueprints Ctrl + S
Duplicate Selected Node Ctrl + W