
From Star Wars Galaxies RPG Wiki
Revision as of 02:10, 2 July 2024 by Jondev (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== [Star Wars Galaxies RPG] - Planetary Information: Triton == {| class="infobox" style="width: 22em; text-align: left; font-size: 90%; background-color: #f2f2f2; border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; padding: 10px;" |- ! colspan="2" style="background-color: #d1d1e0; text-align: center; font-size: 110%;" | Triton |- | center|300px |- | '''Grid Location:''' || M-18 |- | '''Terrain:''' || Desert |- | '''Diameter:''' || 7,120 km |- | '''Lengt...")
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[Star Wars Galaxies RPG] - Planetary Information: Triton

File:Screenshot 2024-07-01 210738.png
Grid Location: M-18
Terrain: Desert
Diameter: 7,120 km
Length of Day: 18 standard hours
Length of Year: 285 local days
Population: 3 million
Sentient Species: Tritonites
Species Mix: Tritonites (97%), other (3%)
Languages: Tritonite, Basic
Government: Theocracy
Major Exports: None
Major Imports: None
System/Star: Triton/Triton

Planets in the Triton System

Planet Type Moons
Triton Terrestrial 3
Gactimus' Halo Asteroid belt 0


A yellow desert world made dazzling by reflected sunlight from its baked hardpan expanse, Triton has nothing of interest to recommend it except its location at the choke point of a tangle of hyperspace routes in the Mayagil sector. Triton's three moons are a customs checkpoint for goods heading Rimward along the Rimma to the Sluiss sector, Elrood, and the Minos Cluster. The Empire contracted the checkpoint's operations to the Tritonites, unwittingly creating one of the galaxy's unique locales.

At some point in the past, the insectile Tritonites developed an abstemious faith around the teachings of a mysterious figure named Gactimus. Even the galaxy's best religious scholars disagree about who or what Gactimus was. Tritonites offering travelers flimsi-placa tablets of Gactimus are common sights in the galaxy's spaceports, but this ritual is nothing like what awaits on the Triton moons. There spacers must pay a customs-like on the value of their goods, a process that takes several days, during which the Tritonites recite tracts of Gactimus and attempt to recruit new acolytes for their faith.

Stimulants of any kind are banned on the Triton moons, leaving spacers stuck aboard their own ships or morosely sitting over distilled water and weak juice in one of the moons' cantinas—hence the spacer expression that an uninspiring night spot is "deader than a Triton moon." Still, Triton's decided lack of excitement has made it a destination for spacers trying to kick bad habits, as well as tourists interested in galactic oddities.


A yellow desert world made dazzling by reflected sunlight from its baked hardpan expanse.



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Orbiting bodies

  • Triton
  • Gactimus' Halo


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